Well, progress has been slow on this mini up until this week. I seem to have gotten my second wind or runners high, and I'm making good progress each day now on
Vaeloth. The scale armor is done, the wolf pelt is done, and now there is only the sword, shield, tail, and base left. My silver metal style is getting better, especially on the tricky scale mail. Chain is even tougher for me to do. Below is a grainy iPad picture of the mini:
In these next few views you can see the wolf pelt which I thought was a bit intimidating at first. I chose a brown/red wolf for this guy, since it seemed to play off the reddish skin he has.
The next big thing to think about is the base, which is usually what most painters think of first!!
I'm not sure if this guy deserves a plinth or a rock...I may want to use him in a game one day...perhaps just a nice Gale force 9 magnetic base.