I present to the internet my version of the Otherworld fighter/warrior miniature that came in their Dungeon Adventurers pack for their Kickstarter. I worked on this fellow about the same time as the thief, but stalled out on him quicker than I expected. I think this is because of the monotony of painting all of that steel armor. Color choices for grubby warriors are also limited. I will say that painting the torch and trying to get a decent representation of fire was interesting. I would like to practice that more often.
The mini looks better than these poor iPad pictures show, but you get the idea of my scheme for this guy. It may be time to get a portable light box. He would be a great miniature for tabletop gaming...particularly Old School D&D.
One of the first things I did to these Otherworld miniatures before I primed them is to create some stone dungeon floor tiles on their bases. I used green stuff that was very thinly rolled out to achieve the effect. There was no need to go for symmetry on the tiles since the places this guy explores are bound to be old and decrepit.
These side views give you an idea of all the detail on these miniatures. They are loaded down with torches, bags, and backpacks.