Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Work In Progress: Sokar's Avatar from Reaper Bones

Sokar's Avatar is a very nice looking Egyptian god miniature.  He reminds me of Horus.  I was making great progress on this guy earlier in the month, but I've been stalled out because of Halloween costume production demands from my kids.

All that is left to do on this model is the club and the base.  Again this is a Reaper Bones II model.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Reaper Bones Khael Stonekindle - Dwarf Wizard

This guy is Khael Stonekindle, a Reaper Bones miniature I purchased some time back.  I don't know when or I am prone to sudden mini purchases anytime I'm in a game store around here.  How often do you see a dwarf wizard mini?  Not very often.

 Khael was painted using my under painting technique followed by lots of washes.  I tend to add a lot of shadow washes to my minis to make the bright areas stand out. Below is the underpainting:

He looks like a little Gandalf to me..but I did not have the desire to paint him up as Gandalf the Grey.

By the way, we have some pretty good game stores in San Diego these days.
  • Villainous Lairs is a very fun comic and game store in Normal Heights, with a very big room and lots of tables for gaming. They carry mostly Warhammer and a smattering of Reaper.
  • Game Empire in Clairemont is perhaps the oldest game store in town now.  They have a nice but loud game room with a lot of  loyal wargaming customers. They tend to keep the largest Reaper mini selection of any store around here.  
  • Another one nearby is At Ease Games, near the Marine Air Station.  That store is huge, new, and very well stocked on warhammer and Magic cards. The Reaper mini selection is not huge, but they seem to have a lot of  tabletop skirmish minis.  Apparently This store has a very large painting and crafting room in the back, which I missed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Reaper Bones Mountain Troll

I painted this mini a few weeks ago using my newly discovered underpainting and glazing technique.  As I said before, this new method has really sped things up for me and has given me better blends. For those interested, I first paint the mini in monochrome or grey scale to get highlights and shadows figured out.  I then go back over it with glazes and lay down the colors. I then use glazes to darken the shadows and crevaces.  After that, I add glazed highlights.  Final steps include black lining borders to make colors more apparent.

  Here is the grey scale version.

Here you can see the final painted version. I went for a yellowish-brown skin tone for this monster.  I wanted to get away from green, and I did not have the nerve to try grey skin.  I really tried underpainting sharp highlights and using glazes of silver over them to attempt a True Metallic Metal look.  I'm getting closer.

As with all minis, I strive to get the colors contrasting between light and dark.  I've painted some minis where I did not do this and they are hard to look at LOL!

This is pretty cool mini and would make an excellent opponent for players in a RPG game.  I may also use this guy in a skirmish game...if I ever get around to playing Age of Sigmar with friends.

The paint on this mini does not peel off or scrape off very easily on the upper half.  Along the base I notice that paint scrapes off .... perhaps more Dullcote layers would help that.

Thanks for taking time to look at my work and happy painting all!