Saturday, September 21, 2013

Crazy Kobolds

Here are some Reaper Bones kobolds I did a year ago along with a Bones Purple Worm.  These were painted with no primer at all, just washed and dried prior to painting.  I wanted to test the claim by Reaper that no primer is needed.  So far, so good.  Also, I covered them all of them with two coats of Testors Dullcote varnish so that they can be handled and not take damage. I think they are a little too shiny from excessive coating, but they should take a beating now.

The Bones miniatures are perfect for RPG sessions where you need some minis on the grid fast. The paint jobs don't have to be showcase quality, but they can be better than those D&D prepainted minis. They are nice too because you can build up lots of monster lists and not spend a lot of money like you would hunting down the prepaints on the internet.

The kobolds are clearly out of their minds for taking on this purple worm. I'm sure the worm is quite excited to have six tasty snacks along with a little metal fiber to wash them down.


  1. haha, I like these a lot. Those kobolds don't stand a chance...

    1. Thanks. I need to paint up more Bones for use in our Games Derek. I hope Filthvale went well on Saturday...
