Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hellborn Paladin Work in Progress Pictures 2

I'm still slowly working on this Reaper Hellborn paladin - Vaeloth. I've got the plate armor done I believe - it is a royal blue color that  I wanted to try. I've painted the base coat for his kilt which is going to be a kind of golden brown color that may match his horns, and I also have added some metallic buttons and things to his belt and armor in the NMM style. So far so good on this guy.  Here is full frontal shot:

I will probably paint the kilt next and then the scale armor.  I'm not sure whether to go for a silver scale armor or perhaps a gold. Is he a rich paladin? After that I will tackle the wolf on his back and then the shield.  The sword will be last, and that might be a reddish glowing color.  Anyways, here is a view of the back where you can see my attempts at making the boots look shiny.

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