Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Reaper Bones Amiri, Female Barbarian

One of my daughters wanted this really nice miniature for her own.  She asked me last week if I could paint it for her, and I agreed on the condition that she give me the colors she wanted for the various parts. These Pathfinder miniatures are quite detailed and have a lot of parts...I can't even tell what some of them are. Here is Amiri:

This is not a Pro job like the amazing Derek Schubert, but it is good enough for me to like it.  It went fairly fast as I underpainted the whole mini in greyscale and then tried to glaze over it.  Glazing with metallic paint really works well as it helps avoid the clumping and bumpiness caused by the metallic flakes in the paint.


  1. Glad to see you back in the painting game, Nils. The fig looks great! Maybe we can do some painting sessions again this summer. I'll bring the onion dip.

  2. Thanks Derek. Its great fun to paint these Bones. I'd love to do another paint session with the gang.
