Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Reaper Bones Mushroom King

I present to you Gus, the Mushroom King. My daughter asked me to spiff him up for her gaming adventuring crew. I think she uses him as a friendly ally found deep in the dungeon.

These fungi are easy to paint mostly because they don't have all of the fiddly little parts that need different colors. Lots of smooth surfaces on them.  I think for the next few I have, I'm going to try and do more wild color gradations on their skin.

He came from the goldmine known also known as the Reaper Bones II Kickstarter.  I think he has a great pose...whimsically walking through the woods of his kingdom.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Reaper Bones Kallaguk, Troll King

I have finally finished Kallaguk, Troll King from Reaper.  This is a fairly big miniature to paint with a lot of scales and wrinkles to keep you busy.  I must have taken over 4 weeks of painting "off and on" to get this one done. It's a lot of work, but it is also pretty fun because you can really use your imagination with these monsters. I tried to do some variations of color on his stomach which I found entertaining. I also was interested in giving him dirty claws.

Kallaguk is so heavy, and his plastic ankles are so weak, that he tends to hunch over quite a bit. I didn't bother reshaping him in hot and cold water because I could see he would just hunch over again eventually. He needs a cane.

There are quite a few warts, spines,  and scales on Kalluguk that are crying out to be painted in fun colors.  I'm not as much of a risk taker as I would like in that regard, but I really do think green skin suits him well as a denizen of the swamp.

 If this miniature comes out in a gaming session, I would expect many player character deaths...