Monday, August 15, 2016

Reaper Bones Kallaguk, Troll King

I have finally finished Kallaguk, Troll King from Reaper.  This is a fairly big miniature to paint with a lot of scales and wrinkles to keep you busy.  I must have taken over 4 weeks of painting "off and on" to get this one done. It's a lot of work, but it is also pretty fun because you can really use your imagination with these monsters. I tried to do some variations of color on his stomach which I found entertaining. I also was interested in giving him dirty claws.

Kallaguk is so heavy, and his plastic ankles are so weak, that he tends to hunch over quite a bit. I didn't bother reshaping him in hot and cold water because I could see he would just hunch over again eventually. He needs a cane.

There are quite a few warts, spines,  and scales on Kalluguk that are crying out to be painted in fun colors.  I'm not as much of a risk taker as I would like in that regard, but I really do think green skin suits him well as a denizen of the swamp.

 If this miniature comes out in a gaming session, I would expect many player character deaths...