Monday, November 21, 2016

Ral Partha and Reaper Orc Skintones

Over the last several months, I've painted a half dozen or so older miniatures that I have found in a discard bin at the local game store.  The guys there sell them to me for $1-2 each, depending on their mood, day of the week, etc. As I have mentioned on here before, there are a lot of treasures in those bins that are overlooked because they are vintage and also because the bins are a pain to go through.

Below are a couple such pieces.  They are both orcs from two different companies.  The little guy is a Ral Partha Fantasy Armies orc and is lot older than the bigger guy.  I think he was cast  sometime in the early 1980s.  The bigger guy is a Reaper orc in metal..not one I see often but perhaps they have made a Bones out of him.

Anyways, I could not paint these guys shades of green anymore.  I just couldn't do it for some reason...I think boredom.  So, I tried to paint them with skin tones that I almost never use...blues and greys.  I like the grey one better I think:

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