Sunday, March 12, 2017

Otherworld Miniatures Human Male Cleric

I've finally completed my set of 4 Otherworld male, human adventurers.  It has taken a few years for some reason.  The last piece of this puzzle was the cleric, who I call Brother Pugnacious. He's a tough guy who likes to keep a full flask of brandy at all times.

Once again, the hardest part for me was to decide what color his clothes should be.  I did not want to do khaki/beige colored robes because they have been done by so many others out there;  I decided on this gray/blue color.

A lot of subtle details are lost by the camera phone, like his light five oclock shadow and some of the hair highlights.  The blanket straps are a different color than the blanket.

My favorite part of this mini is most likely the backpack! 

Check out this group photo of all of the adventurers...very old school!!


  1. Very cool, Nils. Always happy to see your painted figs.

    1. Thanks Derek. Im glad to have completed the set. These are really cool minis....if only I could photograph them better.
