Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Reaper Bones Bugs

 Below are a couple of Bones miniatures that have been painted for several years but never posted.  I love painting monsters...and weird ones even more.  The first one is  an Ankheg, a kind of large burrowing bug you hope to never find in your garden...

Farmers and gardeners in all fantasy worlds fear these creatures the most...

This next one is a Charnel Grub...which I assume is kind of a baby carrion crawler?   Nature's dungeon cleaners I say.


  1. Very nice. What’s your experience with the various types of Bones? I’m a metal man at heart, but it’s not always practical, available of affordable these days.

  2. I find them very easy to paint, but a bit hard to prepare. They wash easily, but getting mold lines and other things off of them is perilous for me with the Xacto knife. Also, unbending swords or wings using the hot water method has not worked really well.
    I do like their large size which makes seeing things easier for my 50 year old eyes. I also think the sculpts are really fun.

    Finally, IF you ever drop these, they don't chip like metal miniatures. I really like that for use in gaming. My metal minis take a beating, even after coating them with varnishes.

  3. Thanks for the reply. The prep hassle is one of the things that puts me off plastic. That said, recent Bones releases are getting increasingly hard to resist.

    Have you considered an Optivisor to help with painting? I found one helped me.

  4. I should consider one. I use reading glasses from the drug store. Are they hard to get used to?

  5. I didn’t have much of an issue with mine. It can be slightly tricky with things beyond the focal distance of your selected lenses, but there are easy workarounds e.g. keep the stuff you need for painting close, look under the visor or flip it up when needed.
    FWIW, I only ever use the number three lenses with a 14” focal distance and 1.75x magnification. Different ones might suit you better.
