Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gromgar - Dwarf of the North

All hail Gromgar...brave dwarf from the northern mountains. This is one of the Grenadier Personalities miniatures from the 1990s, and it is also the last of my adventuring group.  He turned out the best of all of them, probably because I had practiced so much before starting on him, that my metal painting was more in tune.  His face was the only one that turned out good in my eye...he may have had his face painted first before the other guys. Anyways, I really like this mini and may not coat him with Dullcote so that I can preserve the paint work.

And here is the back of Gromgar...a bit tougher to do for me than the front. My favorite parts are the axe, the shield, the beard, and the horns.  Least favorite is the chainmail...I tried for a bronze colored effect.


  1. I think you did a great job. I really like that. I'm testing out a Reaper Bones dwarf model and found yours to be motivating.

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you like him. I'd love to see your Reaper Bones dwarf.
