Friday, July 19, 2013

Wizard in Progress

This is Tox, a wizard of sorts from Reaper that I picked up several years ago. I got myself fired up to paint and pulled him out of box the other day. I started with the face, then the eyes, and finally the hair. The face went well for me on this one, so that was great.  The hair has been killing me, as I am trying to show gradual higlights from one end of  strand to grey.

I'm almost happy with the hair, and then I will move on to complete the crystal ball/ palantir thing.  The one area on this mini that I have not come to a decision on is the color for the robe.  Would tox have a purple, blue, green or maybe a black robe?  Perhaps it would be a special color like powder blue or teal.


  1. I'm working on a wizard too! He's called Mordoon the Red. His cloak is a dark red color (obviously), but there's like 6 or 7 highlights. I'm happy with him so far. Looking forward to seeing the final version of Tox. Purple sounds like a neat choice.

  2. Yah I'm stuck on color choice Derek....maybe teal. Did you post pictures of your wiz?
