Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reaper Bones Orc Archers

These three Reaper Bones orc archers were a relatively quick paint job for me.  Since I am very very slow, I would say I spent 6-7 hours painting them. I used a lot of washes and basic highlights.  Almost no blending as you can tell.  I intend to use them for RPG gaming -they will go into my bin of plastic monsters that I bring along with me to games.

I may have said this before...but I like the fact that these Bones miniatures won't chip as much as metal miniatures when they are handled or when they fall over. These will go to the kids for stress testing tonight...we'll see how they hold up after I spray Dullcote on them.

Choosing colors for orc clothing can be challenging.  I cannot fathom them having brightly colored kilts or shirts.  I assume they have a lot of earth tones...perhaps even more black colors than I have chosen.

In the end, these orcs were a nice diversion away from the Hellborn paladin.  Now I must get back to him and finish!


  1. Cool, Nils! I've gotten back into painting here in Korea finally. You've inspired me to take some pictures and blow the dust off of my blog. I always like checking out your stuff.

  2. Thanks Derek. I cant wait to see your latest work.
