Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vaeloth, Hellborn Paladin

This is the finalized Vaeloth, Hellborn Paladin from Reaper.  My version is a person who seeks to prove himself to society as a force for order and justice.  He is kind of a vigilante who goes after evildoers...perhaps that is why I chose the Batman blue colors.

I did my best to photograph these minis with the iPad.  The pictures are not optimal,  but they are good enough to show the colors and the work.  I'm glad this miniature is done, as the NMM metal colors tool a long long time. Each subsequent picture of him shows another side of the mini, as if it is being rotated.

It is interesting how the sword colors really pop out in the pictures.   I find the scale mail to be hard to do in the NMM style.  I think I could have tried some freehand runes or lettering on the kilt, but I really wanted him done so I passed.

Here you can see the wolf pelt he wears.  I chose the colors of the red wolf as inspiration.

Coming up with a sigil or logo for the shield was hard.  I decided on a blue infernal flame look to match the flame-like appearance of the shield frame. 

Finally, I decided to make a quick little battle scene with him fighting a dragonborn to the death.

That's all for now.  Good health and good painting to you...


  1. Nice job, he turned out well.

  2. Thanks. At first I thought the color scheme was crazy, but after finishing a few parts I'm pretty darn happy with it.

  3. This. Is. Awesome! Great job, Nils! I love your color transitions and NMM. Please teach me!!
