Saturday, May 3, 2014

Reaper Bones Oxidation Beast

I wanted to try something a little more outlandish for this Reaper Bones Rust Monster...err I mean Oxidation Beast -- something more interesting than the usual browns and yellows.  So, I decided to try some crazy alien and space colors on him.  These are the neon greens and purples ...even blues.  I figure he or she is bioluminesent or something like that !

The legs are actually purple that blends in layers into blue.  I would assume that the light blues on the scales would glow along with the eyes and perhaps the fringe on the antennae.

Taking a picture of this guy was really hard, and it looks a lot better in person than the photo.  The camera picks up every little shiny area on the mini and exaggerates it.  I think the paint I used on this one, Vallejo, tends to be a bit shiny as well.  I thought about using a matte sealer but the Dullcote sealer I use also tends to add a sheen of shine...hmmm I wonder what else I could use.


  1. Nice job, Nils. That thing would be terrifying in real life!

    1. Thanks Derek. It looks a lot better in person than these pictures. I put some sealant on him and now he goes into the monster box for gaming.
