Monday, March 11, 2013

The Beginning


So this is the first post for this blog, the kickoff post so to speak. This blog is going to be a kind of record of my hobbies and fun time activities... Thus the funhouse tie in. I will hopefully talk about my gaming with Old School Dungeons and Dragons, my painting of fantasy miniatures, and perhaps some posts on beer or drawing or making crafts and costumes.  Possibly a little about organic gardening too.  I hope to post lots of pictures of in progress minis and things I have crafted since I really love seeing pictures of other's work.

So, without further ado, here is a Ral Partha White Dragon that I am currently working on...painting it to be a Green Dragon.

The dragon did not come with a right wing, so I did the best I could with Green Stuff and some wire to make a wing. It is slightly larger than the left, and a bit rough...but from afar it looks good!!!  

This first shot shows the basecoats and the choices of colors I made for this guy/gal.  By the way, I found this mini in a "bits bin" in the local game store for two dollars or so.  I picked him up along with quite a few other classic Ral Partha and Grenadier minis that were of no interest to the gamers at that store for some reason.  My gain.

Since the picture above was taken, I have highlighted the heck out of the mini, especially the back and the face.  I have not gotten around to the wings yet;  those will be the finale.  For the scales, I used many coats of watered-down Vallejo Deep Green mixed with Golden Olive or Flat Yellow.  The highlighting takes a lot of patiences ,but the results are more than worth it. I recommend to any ew painters to use as many highlights as they can stand.

Here is another shot showing more of the face and head.  As usual, the lighting tends to blow away many of the highlights...

More posts to come as I finish different phases of this guy.

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