Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reaper Warrior Women

I'm going to continue documenting  my painting work in the last few years on this blog.  So, without further ado, I present to you two Reaper minis.  I painted these two female warriors  for a friend in our gaming group back in late 2010 and early 2011. They were the choice of he and his wife.  Reaper minis are much larger than the old Ral Partha figures, so they are easier to paint for me. I think they are considered to be 28mm heroic scale, which seems more like 30mm to me.

The first mini, Lorielle Silverrain, is a ranger whose primary weapon is the bow. She seems almost like wood elf royalty to me.  I went for a non-metallic gold trim on her leather armor to see how it would look.  Before the varnish (vallejo flat), the NMM gold looked really good.  I think the varnish wiped out many of the highlights that gave the gold a luster; the picture you see here is post varnish.  So, for later minis, I switched my varnish of choice to a can of Testor's Dulcote which seems to preserve highlights.

Here is the backside of Lorielle.  I recall working very hard on the NMM on the quiver only to have the varnish kill it.  Oh well, at least this figure can be held and the paint won't peel off.

Finally, here is a female warrior from Reaper whose name eludes me.  Anyone know who this is?  She is really armed to the teeth.  This one did not get the NMM treatment since it takes me so long to do.  She got the regular Citadel metallics which are not quite as nice, but are still great for tabletop. The technique of using some of the brown washes on the gold really helped on this mini.  It gave teh weapons a more worn look.   I like the swirly snake thing on her sword and the choice of red hair.  Hair color is one of the first things I think about for some reason...

1 comment:

  1. She is actually from Piazo for their Ptolis setting.
