Saturday, April 6, 2013

Otherworld Skeletons

The folks over at Otherworld Miniatures make my favorite fantasy minis right now and for the foreseeable future. Their take on the AD&D Monster manual creatures is just spot on.  The minis have a lot of character, are really really well sculpted, and the selection is crazy good.  If I could spend tons of money on minis, I would get the entire Otherworld range.  I have three sets of minis from Otherworld, the first being their unarmored skeleton warriors below.  You get three in this pack as follows:

I tried many things on these minis to get an "old bone" look, including washing them with Citadel washes and also using layering techniques.  I made a point to highlight the joints on these so that they would "pop" on the gaming table.  Also, I decided to give them a dungeon stone base treatment using green stuff.  I am too chicken to saw the mini off the slot base and glue it onto a new base, so I just sculpted the stones.  It does not look as good as the other method, but it does avoid any mishaps in the sawing !

I used regular GW metallic paints on the weapons along with some stains of wash to weather them down a bit. I also highlighted the wood on the shield and spear to stand out a little on the table as well.

Overall, I'm happy with the paint job and I love these minis.

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