Sunday, April 21, 2013

Otherworld Pig-Faced Orcs

These are the kinds of orcs that I first came to know from playing the Holmes Basic D&D boxed set back in '81 or '82.  They look part crazy and part dangerous. I like the fact that they are not extreme musclebound freaks like modern orc sculpts. These guys look nasty, but beatable.

The armor that they came up with for these guys is, as the Brits say, "spot on". Look at all the studs and spikes on them! Studded leather and banded mail, not extreme plate for these lowlifes.   I used GW Boltgun Metal washed with A dark wash to weather the swords and armor.

Here are the three against a dungeon wall segment I made a few years back.  I tried to sculpt some stone floor tiles  on the bases.  Did I mention that Otherworld is my favorite active miniature line?

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