Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reaper's Ansel, Paladin

As far as effort goes, this mini has probably taken me the most time to complete. I was trying to see how well I could do the Non-Metallic Metal technique on a fully armored adventurer, and boy did I pay the price.  I must have labored on and off for at least two months trying to get the metals to look right.  You see, this does not come naturally to me like it does for other painters, so I suffer when I do it.  The results are always very pleasing however:
I chose brown hair for this guy as well as blue eyes. I laugh about that choice now because it really makes this sculpt look like Ozzy Osbourne in armor.  Oh well, he seems like a cool fellow to me, so I just let it be.

I really liked painting the red cape for this guy...I don't often paint red.  I need to use more of it.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Derek. Your'e the first commenter...you should get some kind of prize.
