Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Final Green Dragon

I've based the Green Dragon and put some finishing touches on the paint job.  It is as good as I want to get it right now...it can still be improved with better blending on the face.

I used a piece of sandstone I have had for a long time.  I hollowed out a trench to fit the mini base into it, and then used green stuff to fix any gaps.  I've always wanted to use this sandstone for a miniature.

I made sure to lighten the highlights on the scales even more than the last pass...to really make this guy pop out on the table.  The homemade wing on the right does not bother me anymore interestingly enough.  Here is another view.
It's good to get old minis painted up nicely.  This one waited a long time in that bits bin at the game store.

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