Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some More Adventurer Works in Progress

Well, this first mage is called Mr. Fancy pants for lack of a better name right now. Perhaps his first name is Nigel or Boris. He is done in a high quality tabletop Golden Demon caliber painting here ...yet.

I do need to finalize the bases on all of these guys.  My idea is to paint cobble stones onto the gray bases when I have all of the guys done.

Here is Fancy pants from behind. Nothing fancy on that scabbard..he is sort of a low to mid level adventurer.

Finally we have the party fighter who stays up front, Bleasely.  He likes to have a drink or two before delving to keep his nerves calm.  This one is still in progress with lots of NMM metal to be done on the sword and legs.

I thought I would give him some kind of crest/symbol on his shield from his previous employer.  It is kind of a Dire Boar.  Bleasely is tired.

The backpack turned out nicely. I used some strong highlights from a color called Beige Brown..then I washed it all with some of that magic Gryphon Sephia stuff that is rare and no longer made because it was too excellent and awesome.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

WIP Adventurers

Here is a Work in Progress (WIP) picture of some of the adventurers.  These chaps don't have a lot of armor on, so they do not need the extra time for NMM metal effect...or half ass NMM which is what I do.  I still think it looks cleaner and brighter than regular metallics.  I'm happy to say that I have gotten a bit more wild in color selection...sort of a crazy 1970's vibe to these guys which would make them good for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG...a great game.

More pictures to come in the next few days...most likely of the dwarf and the fighter. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Building and Adventuring Party

I'm using some of Julie Guthrie's Fantasy Personalities to build up an adventuring party of 6 people. Of course, this means I need to make a lot of color choices on outfits which is going to be a bit tough for ironic weakness for a mini painter. 
I am not sure what a few of these characters are in terms of their class.  Can anyone out there chime in?   The guy with the two weapons seems like he could be a rogue or a bard...very brash and cocky.  The wizard looking guy in the red cloak could have been a druid, but he is carrying a sword so I assume he is a mage of some sort.  I believe the guy with the bow is a ranger and that the old man is a wizard.

Anyways, here is the beginning stage of this Work in Progress.

I think I will call the old man Perplexis the Travelling Wizard. Any ideas for names for the others?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Some Grenadier Retainers Try to Escape the Skeletons..Only to Run into the Cave Fisher

These two brave lads were painted late last year. I found them in that magic bits bin at the sometimes friendly local game store. Grenadier retainers look awesome to me...much like how an old man thinks about how amazing he looked as a young man.  They are being pursued through my homemade dungeon tiles (all two of them) by several skeletons.  I hope they make it.

Gold is very very heavy..but not so much in D&D.  A chest full of gold would be too much for two guys to handle, but I guess in D&D it is doable.  Here is another look:
They are heading towards an open cavern with a pool in the middle that  you can't see. Lurking above the pool on a ledge is this guy.
His giant sticky proboscis is ready to snag one of the tasty retainers. I don't think this picture does justice to the mini or the paintjob...Oh well I'm not Ansel Adams.

Good luck gents.   I would drop the chest and run....

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gavin, Warrior Thief from Reaper Miniatures

Here's an oldie but a goodie.  Done around 3 years ago when I decided to experiment with the Non Metallic Metal (NMM) technique on the armor and sword.  I picked this mini because I liked the looks like he is disarming a trap on the ground or lifting a dead orc or something.

There are a couple of strange things about the mini and the pictures that I should mention.  One of Gavin's fingers got attacked and has not been repainted on the back side.  The tip of his sword has been attacked many times and needs a redo.  Finally, there are some shiny artifacts in the next image on the mini that must be a result of the light shooting off any shiny areas on the mini.

I really like how the sword turned out on him, much more than on the Ansel Paladin mini I did.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reaper Scorpions

I recently painted up these two critters as part of my dungeon vermin collection.  They might go well with the Fire Beetles.  I used some pictures from the Web to get ideas on scorpion coloration, in particular images that had more striking color combinations. A lot of scorpions are kind of monotone brown or yellow, and I did not  want these to look like that.

The scale of these scorpions will seem quite large to a normal 25mm or 28mm miniature.  I think Reaper minis are 28mm heroic scale...which seems like they come out as 30mm. That is Okay as far as I'm concerned.  Giant scorpions should be giant!

I couldn't figure out what to do with the base. I wanted to paint dungeon stones on it, but that did not look right.  I ended up painting them gray with a light wash of green.  All in all, they will be usefull minis for games.