Tuesday, May 21, 2013

WIP Adventurers

Here is a Work in Progress (WIP) picture of some of the adventurers.  These chaps don't have a lot of armor on, so they do not need the extra time for NMM metal effect...or half ass NMM which is what I do.  I still think it looks cleaner and brighter than regular metallics.  I'm happy to say that I have gotten a bit more wild in color selection...sort of a crazy 1970's vibe to these guys which would make them good for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG...a great game.

More pictures to come in the next few days...most likely of the dwarf and the fighter. 


  1. You did the striped pants! Awesome, Nils ;) Impressive as usual.

  2. Thanks D. I love the 70's look of them for DCC games. My goal is to build up an army of adventurers to use in DCC or BX/RC/LL D&D.
