Monday, May 13, 2013

Some Grenadier Retainers Try to Escape the Skeletons..Only to Run into the Cave Fisher

These two brave lads were painted late last year. I found them in that magic bits bin at the sometimes friendly local game store. Grenadier retainers look awesome to me...much like how an old man thinks about how amazing he looked as a young man.  They are being pursued through my homemade dungeon tiles (all two of them) by several skeletons.  I hope they make it.

Gold is very very heavy..but not so much in D&D.  A chest full of gold would be too much for two guys to handle, but I guess in D&D it is doable.  Here is another look:
They are heading towards an open cavern with a pool in the middle that  you can't see. Lurking above the pool on a ledge is this guy.
His giant sticky proboscis is ready to snag one of the tasty retainers. I don't think this picture does justice to the mini or the paintjob...Oh well I'm not Ansel Adams.

Good luck gents.   I would drop the chest and run....

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